What is Power BI?

Microsoft Power BI (Business Intelligence)  is a suite of business analytics tools which can be used to produce Reports and Dashboards to give you insights into various aspects of your organization. These reports can then be published for your organization or consumed on the web and across mobile devices. Anyone can create their own custom Dashboard with a unique all-encompassing view of their business. Scale across the enterprise with governance and security built in. Find more information on Microsoft’s site:  https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/

We offer four courses:

  1. Introduction to Power BI covers connecting different data files, transforming and extracting data, creating reports and publishing to the Power BI service as Dashboards which can be shared and also viewed on your mobile devices.
  2. Power BI Desktop Essentials focuses on the free software. This 2-day hands-on course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the capabilities of Power BI Desktop. This can be customized to suit your requirements.
  3. Intermediate Power BI covers using the Query Editor to shape, group and Pivot your data, looks at Quick Measures and Time Intelligence related to Data Modelling and investigates a number of reporting options including Filters and Conditional Formatting.
  4. Advanced Power BI dives into advanced features of Power Query, Data Modelling and Visuals including performing a fuzzy match, using advanced DAX functions, synchronizing filters and slicers and methods to optimize Power BI.

Outline:  Introduction to Microsoft Power BI (PDF file)

Outline:  Intermediate Microsoft Power BI (PDF file)

Outline:  Advanced Microsoft Power BI (PDF file)